Welcome, you are here because you love organic tea and you also love the notion of supporting grassroots businesses like Chai Collective. Your choice to support small businesses like ours contributes to a more sustainable tea industry by increasing the demand for chemical free farming. Better for you, better for the farmers' and better for the Earth. Thank You!
We are the founders of Chai Collective, Matty & Lesley.
Chai is where it all started for us. It was one of our first blends ever brought to market back in 2005 and was a hit with the local community in West End, Brisbane. We've spent a good many years studying and developing methods that complete our recipe to deliver a balanced, healthy beverage to you.
Guiding us over the years are three fundamental concepts that form the core of our brand; Community, Environment and health.
Community - Tea has an innate ability to form connection through opening the heart and warming the senses. We believe tea is for everyone and that it is best enjoyed amongst close friends and family. And lets give a shout out to the wider tea community, the farmers and producers, our brothers and sisters of all backgrounds working passionately and taking care to deliver the worlds second most consumed beverage - tea. We like to include these guys in our daily gratitude.
Environment - We choose organic for the ecology of the planet, the health of the tea farmers and our own personal wellbeing. Agricultural petrochemicals used to produce our food and the damaging effects is now common knowledge. We understand that not everybody has access to organic produce however, we'd like to encourage you all to shop consciously where possible and to consider supporting industries that practice sustainable production methods. Our HQ is powered by Solar and rain tanks provide all the water needed to sustain our daily tea consumption... and much more.
Health - We believe that good health is the key to a good life. Our chai recipe is based on principles of the Ayurvedic health system, recognising that food is medicine. Synergy is important when working with spices and it has taken years of study and many tastings to arrive at our complete balanced recipe. Our goal is to create a chai blend that supports overall harmony within the body, especially aiding with digestion and promoting circulation. All ingredients are certified organic and we sleep easy every night knowing that we've done our best to deliver a delicious, nutritious beverage to you all.